
It is the last moment to enter your film to REGIOFUN

    International Festival of Film Prodcers REGIOFUN, which is going to take place this autumn in Katowice, is prolonging the registration for films to be shown to the Silesian audience, until 15th July.

    Two independent juries, featuring among others Leszek Dawid and Marek Rozenbaum, are going to evaluate the productions that qualified to the competition in two categories: feature films, and medium-length and short films. In each of the competitions the award for the producer of the winning film is 10 000 euro.

    It is the last moment to enter the films, whose production ended after 31st December, 2012, and which were produced with the financial support of cities and regions. These are the only restrictions stated by the organizers.

    Detailed information can be found in the regulations available at the Festival's website: http://regiofun.pl/regulamin-konkursu-dla-producentow

    Internet form via which you should enter your film: http://regiofun.pl/en/forms/entryform