The jury of the Green competition in Seoul praised the film for its warmth and sensitivity as well as its use of humour.
The Warsaw jury called the film a masterpiece. According to the jury, "The director provided us with tangible proof that the biggest obstacle is not lack of funding or the necessary technology, but mental resistance, habits and social pressure. We are more afraid of humiliation than of drought or floodings. The second reason for awarding this film is the director's ability to translate journalistic content into a captivating and intimate psychological drama."
In Recipes for Disaster, director John Webster convinces his wife and two small children that the whole family should go on an oil diet, yet without having to give up their a middle class suburban lifestyle. All the everyday things that we don't do, or that we can't help doing, make up recipes for disaster. In this comedy of errors they find themselves questioning their values and putting to test their will power and ultimately, their happiness.
The film is produced by Kristiina Pervilä / Millennium Films & J.W. Documentaries and it has been selected to the programme of around 20 international film festivals by now. International sales are handled by Deckert Distribution.
More information:
The 6th Green Film Festival (21.-27.5.2009)
The 6th Planete Doc Review Film Festival (8.-17.5.2009)
The Finnish Film Foundation
Satu Elo
kulttuuriviennin tiedottaja /
Information Officer International Promotion
Suomen elokuvasäätiö /
The Finnish Film Foundation
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