The movie is participating in the CineLink Work in Progress section of the 21st Sarajevo Film Festival running through 22 August 2015.
Described by the director as "a psychological drama, a portrait movie," the story follows George, a young architect who is very close to becoming truly successful. Under tight deadlines, trapped in a failing relationship and burdened by his mother's illness, he begins to isolate himself until he becomes a prisoner of his own existence.
"You don't need a tragedy in order to destroy yourself. A frail person can easily become deeply burdened by the pressure of daily problems," says the director who co-wrote the script with Alexandra Axinte and Andreea Borţun.
The film stars Bogdan Dumitrache who appeared in Călin Peter Netzer’s Child’s Pose by Parada Film. The cast includes Maria Dinulescu, Corina Moise, Ştefana Sanfira, Dorian Boguţă, Teo Corban, Cosmina Stratan, Catrinel Dumitrescu and Edgar Nistor. The film is in postproduction with the domestic premiere set for 2016.
Production Information:
Abis Studio
31 Emanoil Porumbaru 011422
Bucharest 1 Romania
Tel. +4021 231 55 32
Fax +4021 223 44 93
Dana Toader, delegate producer:
Hi Film Productions
7, Sfântul Ştefan st.
023996, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +4021 252 48 67
Fax: +4021 252 48 66
Mobile: 40723 200 640
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Director: Catrinel Dănăiaţă
Script: Alexandra Axinte, Andreea Borţun, Catrinel Dănăiaţă
DoP: Pătru Păunescu
Editor: Theodora Penciu
Cast: Bogdan Dumitrache, Maria Dinulescu, Corina Moise, Stefana Sanfira, Dorian Boguţă, Teo Corban, Cosmina Stratan, Catrinel Dumitrescu, Edgar Nistor