
Three Croatian Films in Docu Rough Cut Boutique

    Bigger Than-Trauma by Vedrana Pribačić Bigger Than-Trauma by Vedrana Pribačić photo: ZagrebDox

    SARAJEVO: Docu Rough Cut Boutique, the Sarajevo Film Festival's and Balkan Documentary Center's development platform, has announced the five projects selected for its 2020 edition under the slogan “Staying together, apart”.

    The jubilee tenth edition of Docu Rough Cut Boutique was planned to take place in three working modules set for Budapest in April, Sofia in June and Sarajevo in August 2020. Because of the outbreak of COVID-19, the Docu Rough Cut Boutique team opted for a more suitable method for participants and mentors to collaborate from their homes respecting the World Health Organization’s advice.

    Five projects have been selected, and participants from Georgia, Croatia, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Hungary will have the opportunity to work with award-winning dramaturgy and editing mentors Tom Ernst (Germany/Hungary), Ivo Trajkov (Czech Republic), Albert Elings (The Netherlands), Ollie Huddleston (UK) and Hanka Kastaelicova (HBO executive producer) during the first online workshop module in April.

    The culmination of Docu Rough Cut Boutique is planned for CineLink Industry Days, when participants will present their projects to funders, sales agents, distributors, broadcasters, and festival programmers.

    FNE asked Jovan Marjanović, Head of Industry at the Sarajevo Film Festival, about the plans for the approaching Festival.

    “We continue working on the festival as always, but this time with additional plans B and C. Everything depends on the circumstances. We will adapt. Sarajevo Film Festival is accustomed to adapting and we see this epidemic as just one more challenge that is making us reconsider what we are doing and how we can adapt without giving up our main goals and ideas,” Marjanović said.

    Selected projects:

    Lana, Anuka And the Whole Football Team (Georgia)
    Directed by Ketevan Kapanadze
    Produced by microcosmoss

    Bigger Than Trauma (Croatia)
    Directed by Vedrana Pribačić
    Produced by Metar60

    Museum of The Revolution (Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic)
    Directed by Srđan Keča
    Produced by UZROK (Serbia), Restart (Croatia), Nutprodukce (Czech Republic)

    Factory to The Workers (Croatia)
    Directed by Srđan Kovačević
    Produced by Fade In

    Tobias (Hungary)
    Directed by Alexa Bakony
    Produced by Filmfabriq