Imagined as a low-key comedy, One Month is a story of 40-year-old single artist Sarah, who still lives with her parents. When she finds out that she has a month to move out of her well-off parents’ home, first she is in shock, but soon realises that they are ready to have her back if she provides an offspring. Now, she has one month to find a father for her future child in order to keep her life intact.
Vitkova-Kosev will produce the film herself through Viktoria Films with a budget estimated at 310,225 EUR. The Bulgarian National Film Centre supported the project with 10,225 EUR for development.
Vitkova-Kosev will be looking both for coproducers and sales agents at CineLink. She is open to cooperation with all parts of the world, but a Greek coproducer would be a good addition to the team, as some of the shooting is planned in Greece. All territories are available.
Shooting will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria) and Greece. The principal photography is planned for August 2021. It will be coordinated with the preproduction and the shooting of Afrika, which is in the financing stage.
Production information:
Viktoria Films (Bulgaria)
Supported by the Bulgarian National Film Centre
Writer, Director and Producer: Maya Vitkova-Kosev