The White Fortress, set in contemporary Sarajevo, tells the story of a city heavily marked by its communist past and transition into highly unregulated capitalism, focusing on a love story between an orphaned petty criminal Faruk (Pavle Čemerikić) and Mona (Sumeja Dardagan), a girl from the newly affluent political elite.
When asked about their plans, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian production company stated: “We are working with TVCO on a joint strategy that will allow the film to be seen by as many people as possible in the circumstances dictated by the pandemic.”
Drljača is a Bosnian-Canadian film director, whose two previous feature films Krivina (2012) and The Waiting Room (2015) both premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.
The White Fortress was produced by Canada’s Timelapse Pictures and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s SCCA/ in association with Gearshift Films and with the support of Telefilm Canada, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian Film Fund, Ontario Creates, and Eurimages.