The mystery/horror series written by Till Kleinert, a graduate of the Deutsche Film-und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB), will be produced by Anna Stoevathrough her Bulgarian company Tanuki Films. Both of them will pitch the content of the nine episodes on 15 February 2017 and look for coproduction and financing partners.
The plot is about people inhabiting a typical post-communist block. It explores the complex relations between a sensitive teenager and his pragmatic father after the loss of the boy’s mother.
“In a terrific way, this hostile architecture is gradually disconnecting people from the outside world. In our story, we also have a peculiar character, a strange presence, invisible for the inhabitants, but felt by them. Little by little it transforms the block into a psychological monster. Each episode is associated with a new occupant. At the same time, we are following the way a father and a son are rediscovering themselves,” Stoeva told FNE.
In November 2016 Hausen received the HBO Europe Best Television project award. Steve Matthews, Executive Producer of HBO Europe Drama Development, said Hausen is an example of a “strong and coherent ongoing series concept; its highly imaginativeuse of genre, dealing with very real and current social issues of disenfranchisement andalienation in today’s Europe, filtered through the metaphor of modern urban horror fables…”
Tanuki Films
Anna Stoeva
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