The children's series directed by Anna Zackrisson follows two Swedish siblings, Minna and Sam, who are going abroad with their mother to an idyllic island in the Mediterranean to celebrate Christmas. But the retreat is threatened and the only thing that can save it: the lost treasure of the legendary pirate captain Aquila. With script by Ida Kjellin and Sofie Forsman together with Tomas Tivemark and Johan Kindbom, the story turns on solid performances by the children, played by Lea Stojanov, Buster Isitt and Alexandra Breschi.
Tre Vänner/Svensk is producing in co-production with SVT in collaboration with Kinorama with shooting in Brac and Zagreb. The project wraps at the end of May. After its TV premiere, the series will be also broadcast in Norway by NRK and in Finland by YLE.
Production information
Sulekova 29
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 231 6787
Fax: +385 1 231 6788
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