The story of Do Pigs Go to Heaven?, written by Sandra Antolić, follows the almighty and all-knowing Jesus Christ (33), equally all-knowing auntie Anka (50) and a curious hog Beba (2). They are the main protagonist of this story situated in Zagorje during the 1990’s war years in Croatia.
The folklore backdrop of village life illustrated with motifs of a wedding, village fair and pig slaughter fest, is dominated by the dramatic love between Beba and Roki, a boar of half-Serbian origin, and the breakdown of the hair salon bonnet dryer, which puts a damper on Anka’s fair preparations. The Mother of God, as deus ex machina, leads the story toward a heavenly epilogue with a pigsty full of piglets and hearts full of forgiveness.
The film is about to close its financing plan. It is produced by Nina Petrović through Švenk production and is benefitting from a development grant of 5,000 EUR and a production grant of 550,000 EUR from the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, and also from a grant of 30,000 EUR from the MEDIA Programme. The budget is 1,047,000 EUR, Petrović told FNE. There is no coproducer involved yet.
Shooting is set from 20 August 2017 to 27 September 2017. The film is supposed to be finished in January 2018, but the premiere is not yet set. 2iFilm will release the film in Croatia.
Production Information:
Švenk production
Ignjata Đorđića 8A/10 000 Zagreb
Phone/Fax: +385 1 6454 246/5
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Director: Goran Dukić
Scriptwriter: Sandra Antolić
DoP: Vanja Černjul
Cast: TBD