The colorful 3D/CGI animated feature adventure comedy aimed at family audiences and children ages 6+ was presented by executive producer Magda Rawa and will be directed by Tomek Niedzwiedz. The main characters are a 7-year-old boy and his 11-year-old sister, who get caught in a VR game and together defeat the villainous hypnotist who controls the game.
The 90-minute film has a budget of 2 m EUR, with the Polish Film Institute and Creative Europe MEDIA supporting the development stage. The production has a German distributor and 30% of the budget is already covered. The film will have a 24-month production phase, with release planned for the winter of 2021.
Production Information:
Badi Badi (Poland)
Supported by the Polish Film Institute and Creative Europe MEDIA
Directors: Tomek Niedzwiedz, Waldek Mordarski
Producer: Magda Rawa