Lucerna celebrates centenary

Prague's art nouveau architectural masterpiece, the Lucerna cinema, was the centerpiece of a celebration to mark 100 years since it opened on December 3, 1909.

Hřebejk film gets early release

Kawasaki´s Roses from Czech director Jan Hřebejk will get a December 21 release, instead of the previously announced spring 2010 release.

FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Interview with Pavel Strnad

FNE spoke with Pavel Strnad, chairman of the Czech Audiovisual Producers' Association about the current state of the Czech film industry

FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Czechs host Instutute of Documentary Film

For the past nine year, Prague's Institute of Documentary Film has been reaching out to CEE documentary directors and producers, promoting and enabling the rise of documentary films from across…

FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Czech film production

In Czech cinemas, domestic films, particularly comedies outperform Hollywood, thanks to loyal Czech audiences.

FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Country Focus Czech Republic 2009

As 2009 draws to a close the Czech film industry is poised for a "make or break" new film law that if approved would set up a government backed plan…

FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Foreign productions in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has seen big budget foreign productions mostly dry up in 2009 following a long decline.

PRODUCTION: Lidice sets filming dates

Lidice, a Czech-Polish war drama from director Alice Nellis, will begin shooting at the end of November, producer Adam Dvořák, head of production/distribution company Bioscop (, announced.

Czechs announce Elsa nominations

Former Czech First Lady Dagmar Havlova is among the nominees for the Elsa Awards, the Czech awards for excellence in TV broadcating, which will be announced on December 12.

Production: Czech 3-D animated film sets 2010 release date

Czech puppet animation feature Fimfárum 3 by directors Vlasta Pospíšilová, David Súkup and Kristina Dufková is set to be released in autumn 2010, producer Martin Vandas announced.

Production: Women´s Temptation goes into post-production

Women´s Temptation, a comedy by director Jiří Vejdělek, moved into post-production following completion of filming on October 19.

Protector gets Czech Oscar nod

Czech big-budget war movie Protector ( ), has been selected to represent the Czech Republic for an Oscar nomination in the foreign language film category.

Prima buys Cold Feet

Czech commercial station Prima TV has order 13 episodes of the 60-minute British drama Cold Feet.

Foreign releases slated for Shameless

Shameless, the 2008 film from acclaimed Czech director Jan Hřebejk will open in Polish cinemas September 18, and is scheduled for US distribution in February 2010.

History Channel begins Czech broadcasts

The History Channel and History HD begins Czech language broadcasts in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in this fall.

Czech Government reconsiders license fees

The leading Czech political party, ODS, has proposed abolishing the license fee system that funds Czech TV.

Sladecek joins TV Barrandov

Petr Sladecek has been appointed program director of TV Barrandov.

Village Roadshow react to drop in profits

Village Roadshow, after a 95% drop in profits, is said to be considering sale of its Czech investments.

Czech films dominate local box office

Czech films took three of the top four spots at the national box office in the first half of 2009.

Production: Russian Faust starts shooting in Prague

The Russian-German-Austrian-Czech coproduction Faust started shooting on August 17 at Točník castle in central Bohemia and in Prague's Barrandov ateliers, Barrandov Studios ( announced.