Two TV miniseries received grants of 20,000 EUR each. The Deep, written by Lauri Lippmaa, Nigel Smith, Alexia Fernandez and Paul Cahill, is a crime drama billed as Baltic noir combining a murder investigation with the problems of the e-society. Allfilm, coproducing with Sweden's Bright Pictures and Germany's Kick Film, received funding for the development of the 10-episode, 60-minute series. The Secret Society of Souptown and Cucumber Mafia is a spinoff of a successful children's film, also focusing on the modern dependency on technology alongside a detective story. Screenwriters Andris Feldmanis, Livia Ulman, Helen Takkin and Oskar Lehemaa join forces to create the 8-episode, 28-minute children's adventure series produced by Nafta Films and coproduced by Finland's Solar Films.
The Cultural Endowment of Estonia supported two full-length animations, three international coproductions and two Estonian features in its second round of 2018.
Click HERE for the full list of grants.