A tragic event reunites the estranged sisters Katrin and Mari in an unexpected and unsettling way, revealing hidden tensions and long-buried secrets. Hoping to suppress guilt, Katrin becomes Mari's sole support, but the more she dedicates herself to her sister, the more she loses herself.
Mari Abel and Eva Koldits will play the main characters.
"The story is highlighting a theme not too often covered in films: how guilt and grief can bring a family back together, but also destroy it. The way the subject is treated sets the story apart from many other family dramas. The film puts a harsh dilemma-mirror in front of a person: is there consolation for an inconsolable tragedy? In our opinion, this question faces us from all sides in today's conflict-ridden world. Thus, the film is a kind of microcosmic reflection of the global macro world, where the role of the family is highlighted both on how close relationships can be supportive and burdensome at the same time, as well as the need to find common ground with loved ones even in the most difficult situations", producer Marju Lepp from Filmivabrik told FNE.
She also said that the total budget is approximately 1.25 m EUR and the financing is not yet finished.
The shooting period is planned for July - September 2025 and the premiere is due in early 2027.
Production Information:
Filmivabrik (Estonia)
Marju Lepp: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director: Janno Jürgens
Scriptwriters: Janno Jürgens, Anti Naulainen
DoP: Erik Põllumaa
Main cast: Mari Abel, Eva Koldits