Geno is the first Georgian 3D animation, directed by David Kiknavelidze and produced by Lira Production Studios, and supported by the GNFC. It tells of the adventures of a toad Geno and his neighbours, who are forced to overcome different opinions because of the construction around their lake, as they fight together for a common goal - to save their home.
Geno is one of the most successful Georgian animated films of recent years. The film premiered in the Annecy International Animated Film Festival competition programme and has since been awarded at many prestigious international festivals. Geno won the Grand Prix at one of Asia's largest animated films festivals, taking place in India (ICFF). The director got a silver trophy, a certificate and a cash prize of 85,000 Rupees, and the producer Lali Kiknavelidze got a certificate and a cash prize of 65,000 Rupees.
The sides have already signed the contract. Film distribution will begin soon and the release schedules will be completed by Los Angeles Disney Film Cinema.
Production Information:
Lira Productions
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Director: Dato Kiknavelidze
Scriptwriters: Dato Kiknavelidze, Lali Kiknavelidze
Animators: Dato Kiknavelidze, David Sakhvadze, Marlen Peikrishvili