
Agnese Lāce Appointed New Minister of Culture in Latvia

    Prime Minister Evika Siliņa and Minister of Culture Agnese Lāce Prime Minister Evika Siliņa and Minister of Culture Agnese Lāce publicity photo: State Chancellery

    RIGA: Agnese Lāce is the new Minister of Culture in Latvia, as the previous Minister of Culture Agnese Logina, who had taken office on 15 September 2023, stepped down on 17 June 2024.

    The party faction quickly selected a new candidate, Agnese Lāce, as the Saeima is going on summer recess. If a new minister was not appointed by 20 June 2024, the field could be minister-less for two months.

    Agnese Lāce, former parliamentary secretary of the Culture Ministry, represents the Progressives Party and was approved by the Latvian Parliament with 52 votes for and 27 against.

    Agnese Lāce obtained a Master's degree in Political science at the University of Latvia, as well as a Master's degree in Sociology with a specialisation in Migration studies at the University of Deusto and Osnabrückin Amsterdam.