The documentary, directed by Donatas Ulvydas, Linas Augutis, Marek Skrobecki and Rasa Miskinyte, reveals the miraculous world of Ladislas Starewitch (1882-1965), the pioneer of puppet animation. The artist, adopted by the Russians, as well as the Poles and the Lithuanians, was nicknamed the "European Disney."
According film producer and author Miskinyte, "The film is an attempt to understand the phenomenon of Starewitch by employing both his own creative ideas and the concepts of his works and opinions of film critics and animation directors, as well as the love story of Starewitch's most popular character: the Bug".
The film is produced by Era Film Ltd (Lithuania), in co-production with SE-MA-FOR Film Production (Poland), NHK (Japan), AVRO (The Netherlands), and YLE Co-productions (Finland), along with broadcasters: DR TV (Denmark), SVT (Sweden), NRK (Norway), LRT (Lithuania), ETV (Estonia), TSR (Switzerland).