
DocBloc: TVP Increases Documentary Production

By Katarzyna Grynienko

    WARSAW: Polish public broadcaster TV Polska (www.tvp.pl), responding to an appeal from Polish documentary filmmakers, has selected 18 documentary films from 137 applications to receive funding support. Four of the films are already in various stages of production, with the remaining 14 in development.

    The appeal, which was formulated in early 2011, demanded more funds and air time for documentaries. TVP selected new documentary projects that could be produced by the public broadcaster and presented in special documentary slots on both TVP1 and TVP2. The films also have the possiblilty of being aired on TVP's thematic channels including TVP Historia or TVP Kultura.

    "The applications included synopsis, scripts and DVD's. The selection process was determined by: topic of the film, rank of the director, idea, script appeal and chances of success at festivals. All of the the chosen projects fulfill these criteria and pose a chance to create exceptional documentary films," a TVP spokesperson told FNE.

    The details of further production of the 14 early development titles has not yet been revealed; TVP will work with each of the filmmakers individually. The list is increased with 4 titles that are already in production or preproduction with plans to be completed in 2012.

    Documentaries in preproduction that will receive TVP's support in 2012:

    1.Dotknięcie Anioła (Angel's Touch) - a documentary based on a book written by Henryk Schonker, about the failed emigration of Jew from Silesia in 1939. The film is directed by Marek Pawłowski and produced by Zoyda Art Production with a budget of 653,000 PLN . The film received 200,000 PLN from the Polish Film Institute (www.pisf.pl) in 2011.

    2. Szary (Grey) - a documentary about Antoni Heda, a Polish patriot, partisan solider and warrior for democracy who was kept in a Stalinist prison. The film, currently in preproduction, will be directed by Grzegorz Królikiewicz and produced by Studio Filmowe N (www.filmstudio.com.pl). The film received 29,318 PLN in development financing from the Polish Film Institute.

    3. Fabryka zapałek (Match Factory) - a documentary about a failing match factory, one of the several big factories that are being sold or closed as part of the privatization process in Poland. The film is directed by Paweł Łoziński and produced by his company Paweł Łoziński Produkcja Filmów with a budget of 438,000 PLN. The film had received 150,000 PLN from the Polish Film Institute in 2010.  

    4. Dybuk- a documentary about the image of death and the tradition surrounding it in the Jewish culture. The film is directed by Krzysztof Kopczyński and produced by Eureka Media (www.eurekamedia.info) with a budget of 55,000d PLN.

    Documentary projects in development:

    1. Ojciec i syn (Father And Son) - director Paweł Łoziń­ski
    2. Układanka (Puzzle) - director Jacek Petrycki
    3. Dziew­czyny na więzien­nym dachu (Girls On a Prison Roof) - director Irena and Jerzy Moraw­scy
    4. Kar­ski i władcy ludzkości (Karski And The Rulers Of Men) - director Sławomir Grun­berg
    5. Obiet­nica dzieciństwa (Childhood's Promise) - director Piotr Moraw­ski, Ryszard Kaczyń­ski
    6. Kryzys (Crisis) - director Iwo Karel
    7. Bracia  (Brothers) - director Woj­ciech Staroń
    8. I była miłość w getcie (And There Was Love In The Ghetto) - director Jolanta Dylew­ska
    9. Ołówek (Pencil) - director Joanna Frydrych
    10. Kazik niepokonany (Kazik Undefited) - director Agnieszka Arnold
    11. Wszystko jest możliwe (Everything Is Possible) - director Lidia Duda
    12. Wypadek (Accident) - director Anna Więc­kow­ska
    13. Sakrament małżeństwa (Scrament Of Marriage) - director Paweł Rodan
    14. Wybory podstawowe (Primary Choices) - director Paweł Fer­dek