Paradise Lost, Paradise Won is a set in Rawdon, a small town located just north from Montreal, inhabited mainly by representatives of the Polish landed gentry and aristocracy. The Polish "Gone With the Wind" story line follows the lives of members of the most prominent Polish aristocratic families that were forced to leave the country and make a new home in Canada. The film includes interviews with decedents of the Czartoryski, Czetwetyński, Komorowsk, Plater, Popiel, Potocki, Sapieha, Siemieśki, Tarnowski, Tyszkiewicz and Zamoyski clans which once shaped the history of Poland. The director researched the stories of their lands being taken from them by the communist regime and their journeys to a new life with the proverbial "one suitcase" in hand.
The initiator and producer of the film is Liliana Głąbczyska-Komorowska, a Polish actress living in North America for the past twenty years. The documentary was independently produced by her company Queen Art Films ( and is accompanied with the publication of a book entitled One Suitcase, written by the director and inspired by the material she gathered.
Production contact:
Queen Art Films
75 Queen St, Suite 5200
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3C 2N6
Tel: +1-514-982-6001
Cell: +1-514-944-9198
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PRODUCTION: Polish Documentary Paradise Lost, Paradise Won in Postproduction
By Katarzyna GrynienkoWARSAW: Beata Gołembiewska is in post-production with her documentary Paradise Lost, Paradise Won, the story of Polish aristocracy emigrating to Canada. The film will premiere in Poland in November 2012.
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