Set in the fictional countries of Paflagonia and Crim Tartary, The Rose and The Ring story follows the lives and fortunes of four young royal cousins. The main character, Rosalba was the only child of the true king of Crim Tartary but as the story starts she is a servant.
“The first destination of the film is cinema, but we do not plan any holdback from TV,” said SMF representative, Ewelina Gordziejuk adding that The Rose and the Ring is the brand in itself. The book was has been republished around 100 times since it first publication in 1855 and translated into all European languages.
The film’s budget is 4 m EUR. It will be shot on 35 mm print in 2D, 3D and CGI techniques. The producers also plan to create a computer game and mobile phone application based on the film plot, along with puzzles, board game and playing cards and DVD inserts for younger viewers.
Contact Information:
Studio Miniatur Filmowych Sp. z o o.
Królewicza Jakuba 12a
02-956 Warsaw, Poland
Phone/fax +48 22 845 53 45
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wlodzimierz Matuszewski
Prezes Zarządu/CEO
Studio Miniatur Filmowych
Mobile: +48 601 365 002
Ewelina Gordziejuk
Head of Production/Head of the Development Department
Studio Miniatur Filmowych
Mobile: +48 607563 638