Outsider is a story inspired by true events from the martial law period and the early 1980s and it follows Franek, a student in painting, who by a coincidence becomes involved in the cogs of a horrific totalitarian machine. His sensitivity and humanity will be heavily tested.
The cast includes Łukasz Sikora, Dorota Pomykała, Katarzyna Gałązka, Mariusz Bonaszewski and Adam Bobik.
"This obviously isn't a political film, as we are focusing on a particular story of a person who was thrown into the political machine by accident. But it is a film that tries to recreate the forgotten dread of these times, to remember the dramatic fight for the ideals of the solidarity movement", director Adam Sikora told FNE.
The film was produced by Włodzimierz Niderhaus trough WFDiF with a budget of 746,000 EUR /3.2 m PLN including 350,000 EUR / 1.5 m PLN of production financing from the Polish Film Institute.
The distributor and the date of the release have not been announced yet.
Production Information:
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Director: Adam Sikora
Screenwrite: Adam Sikora
DoP: Tomasz Woźniczka
Music: Tymoteusz Bies
Cast: Łukasz Sikora, Dorota Pomykała, Katarzyna Gałązka, Mariusz Bonaszewski, Adam Bobik