Proceder follows the story of rapper Tomasz Chada, a guy from the blocks with a soul of a poet and a talent for getting in serious trouble. Music was his whole life – his passion and a world he would take refuge in at times when reality did not have much to offer to him. True and painfully honest in his lyrics, Chada dies in unexplained circumstances, leaving behind his shocked fans and a girl he loved.
“When you play with drugs and alcohol, you must be aware that you can end up being suicidal. If you play a gangster and take an active part in the procedure, sooner or later someone will hurt you. We don't glorify the criminal, we just made a film about a guy who is a victim of the system”, director Michał Węgrzyn told FNE.
The film was shot in 2018 and it was produced by Global Studio.
Production Information:
Global Studio (Poland)
Director: Michał Węgrzyn
Screenwriters: Maciej Chwedo, Aleksandra Górecka, Michał Kalicki, Krzysztof Tyszowiecki
DoP: Wojciech Węgrzyn
Music: RX - Rafał Sielawa
Production design: Jacek Mocny
Cast: Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Piotr Witkowski, Anna Matysiak, Agnieszka Więdłocha, Antoni Pawlicki, Marcin Gutkowski, Ewa Ziętek, Jan Frycz, Marta Bryła, Sonia Bohosiewicz, Cezary Łukaszewicz, Krzysztof Kowalewski, Gabriela Muskała