Nagler is the producer behind the second Polish Netflix series titled The Woods. The film adaptation of the thriller by Harlan Coben is directed by Bartosz Konopka and Leszek Dawid. The production is carried out by ATM Grupa. The premiere is planned for 2020.
Nagler earlier cooperated with Watchout Studio, where for two years she dealt with the area of production development. She was at HBO from 2013 to 2017, where she was responsible for supervising the development of such hits as Pact and Wataha. She worked on Mission: Afghanistan, Giggle of Fate, and Spider Web at Akson Studio. She also worked on many TV series, from development to production, at TVN and Canal +.
Two original Polish TV series have been produced on Netflix's commission so far. The series 1983, set in an alternative reality Poland, in which communism did not collapse, premiered on the platform at the end of 2018. The series was directed by Katarzyna Adamik, Olga Chajdas, Agnieszka Holland and Agnieszka Smoczyńska. Work is currently underway on the next Polish Netflix series. Sexify is a story told with humour and provocation about the lives of modern young girls. Aleksandra Skraba, Maria Sobocińska and Sandra Drzymalska are cast in the main roles. Akson Studio is responsible for the production.