The story follows Malwina, played by Weronika Książkiewicz, a flamboyant car designer, who falls in love with Bruno (Michał Żurawski), a popular couple therapist. While he can save any relationship, his own love stories create a series of spectacular disasters, because he brings women bad luck.Wojciech Saramonowicz and Hanna Węsierska penned the script.
The cast of popular Polish actors includes Aleksandra Domańska, Tomasz Karolak, Krzysztof Czeczot, Jacek Knap, Maria Pakulnis and Piotr Machalica.
Zygfryd Studio is producing in coproduction with Polsat Group. The budget has not been disclosed.
The film was shot in Warsaw from 15 July to 17 August 2020. Dystrybucja Mówi Serwis is set to release the film on 25 December 2020.
Production Information:
Dystrybucja Mówi Serwis (Poland)
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Polsat Group (Poland)
Director: Bartosz Prokopowicz
Screenwriters: Wojciech Saramonowicz, Hanna Węsierska
DoP: Jeremi Prokopowicz
Cast: Weronika Książkiewicz, Michał Żurawski, Aleksandra Domańska, Tomasz Karolak, Krzysztof Czeczot, Jacek Knap, Maria Pakulnis, Piotr Machalica