
Berlinale Winner Racks up Sales

    Child's Pose (Poziţia copilului) by Călin Peter Netzer Child's Pose (Poziţia copilului) by Călin Peter Netzer

    BUCHAREST: Beta Cinema signed deals for the Berlinale Golden Bear and FIPRESCI winner Child's Pose (Poziţia copilului) by Călin Peter Netzer with France and Germany.


    These deals were cut before the awards ceremony. In Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland the film will be distributed by X Verleih and in France by Sophie Dulac.

    Other territories where the film will be distributed are Australia, Benelux, Taiwan and Greece.

    Child's Pose /Poziţia copilului was produced by Romanian companies Parada Film and Hai-Hui Entertainment. The film is a psychological drama about an upper-class mother (Luminiţa Gheorghiu) who manipulates others in order to save her adult son (Bogdan Dumitrache) after he kills a child in a car accident.