The platform is an initiative of GAV, a communication agency specialised in offline and online content, which signed a partnership with Google Romania. Twenty four short, documentary and feature films by both accomplished directors and newcomers, screened in cinemas and in festivals, are in the opening portfolio. New titles will be added weekly.
CINEPUB will officially open with Adrian Sitaru's feature film Domestic by 4Proof Film on 26 February 2015 at 8.30 pm. Tudor Giurgiu's debut feature Love Sick produced by Libra Film will premiere on 27 February at 8.30 pm, and Andrei Gruszniczki's debut feature The Other Irina by FAV will open the following day at the same time.
Marius Iacob's doc 24 Buckets, 7 Mice, 18 Years (Manekino Film), Adrian Sitaru's short fiction films The Cage and The Party and Ionuţ Teianu's documentary The Tănase Business (Libra Film) are also in the portfolio. The films can be seen HERE. Most of the films have English subtitles.