The story written by Emanuel Pârvu follows a recently widowed lumberjack who tries to keep a little girl orphan for whom he was a maternal assistant together with his late wife. The film stars Șerban Pavlu and the cast includes Florin Zamfirescu, Adrian Titieni, Dan Aștilean, Radu Gabriel and Rodica Negrea.
According to, the film is produced by FAMart Productions in coproduction with DaKINO Productions and Ceramus Film. Shooting takes place in the Argeș County until the end of March 2016.
Production Information:
DaKINO Productions
15 Nicolae Turnescu St.
Et. 1, Ap. 4, Bucharest, 5th District, 050467 Romania
Dan Chişu’s cell: +40 722 408 140 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director: Emanuel Pârvu
Scriptwriter: Emanuel Pârvu
DoP: Silviu Stavilă
Cast: Șerban Pavlu, Florin Zamfirescu, Adrian Titieni, Dan Aștilean, Radu Gabriel, Rodica Negrea, Ion Sapdaru, Mihai Dinvale, Vlad Corbeanu, Lucian Ghimiși, Costel Cașcaval, Radu Zetu, Alexandru Mavrodineanu, Ana Radu