
Production: Medal of Honor in post-production

By Iulia Blaga

    Peter Călin Netzer (Maria) is in post-production with his second feature, Medal of Honor, the story of a 75 man who receives out of the blue a medal for his heroic achievements in the WWII.

    Tudor Voican's (California Dreamin' Endless) script is inspired by true events, centering on how the medal changes the old man's perspective on his own life.

    The cast includes venerated Romanian actors Victor Rebengiuc, Camelia Zorlescu, Ion Lucian, and Radu Beligan. Former president Ion Iliescu has a small appereance as himself, during the ceremony held by Cotroceni presidential palace.

    Liviu Marghidan, the producer and the DOP of the film, told FNE that the presidential institution didn't ask for any fee for the three hours shooting at Cotroceni palace.

    "Medal of Honor" received a €180,000 grant from the National Centre for Cinema in 2007. The film is the first feature produced by Sharf Advertising, the company owned by DOP Liviu Marghidan (California Dreamin' Endless).

    Ada Solomon is executive producer. The German company Pandora Film (www.pandorafilm.com) is co-producing with 20% of the whole budget, expected to come in at €750.000.

    The shooting took place in Bucharest, in the first two months of 2009. The release date is still to be determined.

    Company information:

    Sharf Advertising, Bucharest, 8 Partiturii Street, Bl. 62, Ap. 150, Sect. 6.

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    Tel: 0040-722.304.788

    Pandora Film

    Head office Köln

    Balthasarstr. 79-81
    50670 Köln

    Tel. +49-(0)221-97 33 20
    Fax +49-(0)221-97 33 29
