Slovak Dumplings is set to be a 2D animated TV series of 12 episodes of six minutes each with a 10-minutes pilot episode. The script written by Matej Holub is based on local folklore, traditions, customs, legends, and so forth. re-interpreted in a funny and ironical way so as to appeal to children of 6-12. The first episode is about the national hero and Slovak legend Janošik
The budget is 2,000 EUR per minute. The brother and sister team say that all the episodes can be made in one and a half years. They are hoping that they will get support from Slovak Television or Czech Television or Slovak Audiovisual Fund. If so, they expect to finish it end of 2016. They received a production grant of approximately 7,000 EUR from the Slovak Audiovisual Fund for the pilot episode.
Production Information
Dorota Holubova
4 Sienkiewiczora
81109, Bratislava, Czech Republic
Phone: +42 1907 323 159
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Director: Matej Holub
Animation: Boris Bauer, David Engel
Backgrounds: Marián Toma