The complete list of awards follows:
GRAND PRIX for the Best Film - Mid-August Lunch / Pranzo di Ferragosto
(d. Gianni Di Gregorio, Italy, 2008)
Cinema is a meeting place. Kitchen is a meeting place. 6 people and 24 hours show that life can be fun. But remember, it takes a good Chablis to make a good sauce.
Prize for the Best Director - Amat Escalante
The Bastards / Los Bastardos
(Mexico, France, USA, 2008)
It takes a gifted director to slowly build up a tragedy and thus put his cinematographic signature on the screen.
Prize for the Best Actress - Nada Abou Farhat
Under the Bombs / Sour le Bombes
(d. Philippe Aractingi, Lebanon, France, UK, Belgium, 2007)
For developing a balance between profound acting and personal engagement in an extreme situation.
Prize for the Best Actor - Zsolt Anger
The Investigator / A nyomozó
(d. Attila Gigor, Hungary, Sweden, Ireland, 2008)
For creating a strong and emotional character with minimalistic means.
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury - The Zone / La Zona
(d. Rodrigo Plá, Mexico, Spain 2007)
For focusing on the fence between a rich ghetto and its poor surroundings, showing the death games people play to save their goods and indicating the uneasy ways to recover dignity and hope.
Special Mention of the Ecumenical Jury - Under the Bombs / Sour le Bombes
(d. Philippe Aractingi, Lebanon, France, UK, Belgium, 2007)
For making a bridge between reality and fiction in Lebanon showing with a great respect the evolution of a woman and a man through desolation, mourning and tensions due to differences of culture, religion and social status.
Prize of the FIPRESCI - Under the Bombs / Sour le Bombes
(d. Philippe Aractingi, Lebanon, France, UK, Belgium, 2007)
Student Jury Award - The Bastards / Los Bastardos
(d. Amat Escalante Mexico, France, USA, 2008)
For a suggestive visual statement and a realistic portrayal of the clash of two different cultures.
The Slovak television Award - Studený obed / Cold Lunch / Lonsj
(d. Eva Sorhaug, Norway, 2008)
For the exceptional talent and enormous professional skills of its creators, who psychologically accurate and without pathos have pointed out the complexity of interpersonal relations.
Zlatý Bažant People's Choice Prize - Bhutan / Bhutan - Hľadanie šťastia
(d.Pavol Barabáš, Slovak Republic, 2008)
Translata People's Choice Prize for the best film of the IFF Bratislava 2008
- Mid-August Lunch / Pranzo di Ferragosto
(d. Gianni Di Gregorio, Italy, 2008)

The IFF Bratislava Award for Artistic Excellence in world cinematography - Hungarian director István Szabó
The winning film of 10TH IFF Bratislava is Mid-August Lunch |