"Meanwhile, at the pitching forum at the International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam, we were selected by the Finish television YLE (yle.fi) and Dutch television VPRO (www.vpro.nl), who bought the licenses for the Osadne," Škop told FNE.
The film has two versions, a longer one (approximately 65 minutes) for cinema distribution and a shorter one (52 minutes) for television.
Škop, the producer and director of the prize-winning documentary Other Worlds, is the author, scriptwriter, director and producer. His production company Artileria (www.artileria.sk) (established with film-makers Jan Melis and Frantisek Krahenbiel) is producing, and the Czech co-producer is Hypermarket Film s.r.o. (www.czech-dream.com) Slovak Television STV (www.stv.sk) supported 9% of the film's budget, "with technical equipment such as cameras and sound system."
The total budget of the film is 200,000 Euro. "Our most important source is the Slovak Ministry of Culture (www.culture.gov.sk). We would not be capable to create the film without their support," said Škop.
"Hypermarket Film co-financed the development phase, with 8% of the total budget. This sum was granted by the Media programme of the European Union."
Osadne is a subtle documentary about the inhabitants of the Slovak town Osadne, who make an excursion to visit the European Union institutions in Brussels.
Production information:
Drobného 23
841 01
Marko Škop
0903 789 198
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Hypermarket Film s.r.o.
Klimentská 4
110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 603 180 312
Fax: 226 201 915
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www.czech-dream.com Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák,