
PRODUCTION: Absolvents in the production

By Jana Kadlecová

    Slovak director Tomáš Krupa is in the production with the documentary film Absolvents, with fillming scheduled to continue into early 2011.

    The premiere is planned for the second half of 2011.

    The documentary observes the social phenomena that influence the young generation. It tells the stories of four young adults after finishing their university studies and facing reality.

    Production company Furia Film Ltd. (www.furiafilm.sk) has been in negotiation with Slovak public Television STV (ww.stv.sk). "The budget of 115,000 Euros will be spread among the production company, co-productions contributions by STV, and sponsors," Livia Filusova told FNE. Filusova established Furia Film together with the director and script writer Tina Diosi.

    The co-producer partner is production company Greenbox (www.greenbox.sk), in which the director of the film is involved. Greenbox has contributed 6600 Euros toward the film's budget. Filusova applied for a grant to the Slovak Audiovisual Fund (www.avf.sk) but was not successful in the first round.

    Furia film has been operating since 2006, producing feature film, independent film, documentary, as well as television projects. Furia film has been focused on making movies "that carry in themselves some difference. We work primarily with young film makers, searching for topics that are close to our target group: the younger and middle generation," says Filusova.

    Mgr. Lívia Filusová

    Vajnorská 8 / a
    831 01 Bratislava
    Slovak republic

    Ph: 00421 / 0 / 905 568 099

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