If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle - a Romanian debut in the Official Competition of the Berlinale

After being awarded in Cannes every year since 2004, the new Romanian cinema now has a film in the Official Competition of the Berlinale, a feature by Romanian director Florin…

Romanian online ad market predicts 30% rise

Romania's online ad market might increase up to 20 million euro this year, an estimated 20-30% more than 2009, according to the local specialists.

Slovaks draw interest at CineMart

Slovak Producer Marko Skop and the director Juraj Lehotsky, the first Slovak film makers present at CineMart, are drawing interest with their feature film The Miracle (Zazrak ).

CEE films bow at Berlin

Czech director Jan Hřebejk's movie Kawasaki's Rose opens the Panorama section of the Berlinale (Feb. 11-21), with another six Czech films being presented at the European Film Market.
08-02-2010 m

Fazekas wins Hungarian pitching forum

Máté Fazekas won the second annual Hungarian script pitching forum II. Magyar Forgatókönyv Börze for his script The Captain (A százados) during Hungarian Film Week (Magyar Filmszemle, http://magyarfilmszemle.hu).

PRODUCTION: Winton doc sequel in postproduction

Slovak director Matej Minac is in postproduction with Niicky's Family, his sequel to The Power of Good, the 2002 Emmy award winning documentary about Sir Nicholas Winton.

PRODUCTION: Bartas documentary in postproduction

The Lithuanian-French documentary film Sharunas Bartas, an Army of One directed by Guillaume Coudray is now in postproduction.

Temeltaş named artistic director of Golden Orange festival

Deniz Ziya Temeltaş was appointed Artistic Director of the Antalya International Golden Orange Film Festival and the "Turkish Emmys" ISMAIL CEM TURKISH TV AWARDS (23-24 April, 2010).

Bel Ami announces cast for Hungarian shoot

Filming on the international production Bel Ami directed by Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod will commence on location in Budapest and London on February 7.

Digital TV to launch on July 1 in Romania

The National Authority for Communications' Administration and Regulation (ANCOM, www.anrcti.ro) is awaiting a decision on the selection procedure for the use of the radio frequencies in digital terrestrial system.

Slovenia considers new funding body

Minister of Culture Stojan Pelko has presented a draft bill establishing a Slovenian Film Center (SFC), apublic fund that would replace the Slovenian Film Fund (SFF, www.film-sklad.si).

FNE at Hungarian Film Week: Poligamy

Poligamy the debut feature of Dénes Orosz, is a romantic comedy with a twist. ,

FNE at Hungarian Film Week: The Days of Desire (A vágyakozás napjai)

The Days of Desire, a black and white film directed by József Pacskovszky, was originally intended as a television movie, before a decision was made to produce it as a…

FNE at Hungarian Film Week: The Camera Murderer (Látogatók)

The Camera Murderer, a German language psycho-thriller from director Róbert Pejó (Dallas Pashamende) is a chamber film, taking place in a house over a lake.

FNE at Hungarian Film Week: The Bunkerman (A bunkerember)

The Bunkerman, The seventh feature of documentary filmmaker Dezső Zsigmod is based on a true story.

Fornay presents My Dog Killer at Berlin coproduction market

Slovak director Mira Fornay who premiere of her Irish-Slovak-Czech feature debut Foxes at Venice, will present her second film project Brat (My Dog Killer) at the Berlinale Co-production Market February…

Poland pins Oscar hopes on Rabbit

Rabbit à la Berlin, a Polish coproduction directed by Bartek Konopka will compete for the Best Short Documentary Award at the 82nd Academy Awards edition.

FNE at Hungarian Film Week: Kolorádó Kid

The beginning of production on Kolorádó Kid the debut film of journalist András Vágvölgyi B. dates back to 2006.

FNE at Hungarian Film Week: Lull (Szélcsend)

Lull, the second feature in competition from director Tamás Sas, is a chamber drama, a triangle of three women on a boat.

Film Europe and SPI launch documentary channel

Film Europe, a division of distribution company SPI International (www.spi-film.eu), has launched DocuCS, the second of three themed TV and VOD channels planned for the Czech and Slovak markets.