The Other Neighbors
A documentary film by Nika Tsiklauri
The city you live in is not yours alone. You don’t really notice the non-human neighbors butThe city you live in is not yours alone. You don’t really notice the non-human neighbors butthey are almost everywhere as the urban landscape is full of wildlife. The city grows biggerand every day there is less and less space left for the animals, but they are still there. TheOther Neighbors is a story of a kestrel, fox, otter, eagle and several other, striving to survivein the concrete jungle on the modern capital city.
The Other Neighbors is a 32’ documentary film filmed in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. It isan observational documentary without any narration. It gives the viewer an opportunity tostop for a minute, look around and have a view of the other life that is out there.
The Other Neighbors is produced by EcoFilms Ltd, commissioned by The German Societyfor International Cooperation (GIZ) for non-commercial use. It will serve the environmentalawareness rising purpose and after a festival life will be available on the Internet.
EcoFilms is an independent film-making company based in Tbilisi, Georgia. Since 2012 weEcoFilms is an independent film-making company based in Tbilisi, Georgia. Since 2012 wedo documentaries mainly focusing on nature and human relationship. Our last documentary Jara won the number of awards at international and local festivals including the Deauville Green Awards of France. None of our films are commercial as we always try to speak upabout the issues we are concerned about. The Other Neighbors is no exception. This artisticdocumentary with its insight is unique project not only in our country but in whole Caucasusregion. Please, have a look at the trailer. The Georgian premiere of the movie is planned inmid-autumn.