
Film, Form and Culture (Robert Kolker, Marsha Gordon, 5th edition, 2024, Routledge)

    The book Film, Form and Culture (Robert Kolker, Marsha Gordon, 5th edition, 2024, Routledge) submitted for translation by the School of Arts and Sciences ofIlia State University in the competition "Book Translation Program 2024" announced by the Department of Public Affairs of the US Embassy in Georgia, won funding. The co-partner of the project is CinExpress.

    The Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy annually announces a competition for the translation program of books by American authors. The goal of the program is to make the latest studies, textbooks and modern popular literature financially and physically available to Georgian students, researchers and the interested public.

    The selected book includes discussion of film theories, cultural contexts, philosophy, politics, ideologies, contemporary challenges and historical processes of cinema. Accordingly, the book assists us to identify the complex picture of cinema research - the study of cinematographers of various periods, genres, and continents. Foremost the book will be intended for film studies students and young people interested in cinema. It will also be valuable for students of culture and art, philosophers, historians, researchers of American heritage and other disciplines.

    The translation will be carried out under the organization of Ilia State University and in partnership with CinExpress. The latest edition of the book, in English, was printed on March 29, 2024. Professional translator Dalila Gogia and a four-member team of film researchers and translators will work on the translation of the book: Dr. Aleksandre Gabelia, Dr. Lika Glurjidze, Ph.D. student Nini Shvelidze and Master's student Giorgi Javakhishvili.

    Dalila Gogia has translated from English into Georgian the poetic and prose works of such writers as - John Updike, Ted Hughes, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Chuck Palahniuk, Ron Padgett, Billy Collins, Jack Kerouac, Sylvia Plath, Raymond Carver, Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood, J. M. Coetzee and others. The four-member team of film researchers, representing Ilia State University, are the initiators and authors of the project, the lecturers of Ilia State University, and members of the editorial team of the online film platform - CinExpress. They have experience translating theoretical texts on cinema and have published an e-journal on cinema which combines critical essays, interviews and translations.

    Routledge - A leading academic publisher of academic books, journals and electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences. Routledge is a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, an international publishing house founded in 1852, which owns the book translation rights.

    Details about the project:

    Project organizer: Ilia State University

    Project co-partner: CinExpress

    Authors of the project/initiative: CinExpress

    Estimated number of circulation: 1000

    Printing: color

    Estimated publication date of the book: 2026

    Number of pages: 378

    Publisher: Routledge

    Details about the authors of the book:

    Robert P. Kolker is Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. He is the author/editor of several books on film including The Oxford Handbook of Film and Media Studies (2008), A Cinema of Loneliness, 4th edition (2011), The Cultures of American Film (2014), The Extraordinary Image: Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and the Reimagining of Cinema (2016), Politics Goes to the Movies (2018), Eyes Wide Shut: Stanley Kubrick and the Making of His Final Film (2019), and, with Nathan Abrams, Kubrick: An Odyssey (2024).

    Marsha Gordon is Professor and Director of Film Studies at North Carolina State University, USA. She is the author of Becoming the Ex-Wife: The Unconventional Life & Forgotten Writings of Ursula Parrott (2023), Film is Like a Battleground: Sam Fuller’s War Movies (2017), and Hollywood Ambitions: Celebrity in the Movie Age (2008), and co-editor of Screening Race in American Nontheatrical Film (2019) and Learning With the Lights Off: Educational Film in the United States (2012).

    Contact persons:

    Project coordinator: Lika Glurjidze (Ilia State University).

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Project co-coordinator: Alexander Gabelia (CinExpress).

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.