The Mysterious Boy is directed by Dražen Žarković and written by Hana Jušić. The film is based on the novel by Ivan Kušan, produced by Ankica Jurić Tilić for Kinorama ( and Croatian Radiotelevision ( The film will be distributed by Continental film ( in 2013.
“Flagship works take pride in qualities that make them last for decades and centuries. If you have a good literary basis, you only need to be skillful enough to transpose its basic traits into a film script,” Tilić said. Jušić said the script for The Mysterious Boy has been revised 17 times.
PRODUCTION: Koko and the Ghosts sequel The Mysterious Boy starts production
By FNE StaffZAGREB: The Mysterious Boy, based on a famous Croatian children’s novel and a sequel to the 2011 critical and box office hit Koko and the Ghosts, has started shooting. Koko and the Ghosts, a detective thriller for children, had 86,000 admissions.
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