The series is written and directed by Christian Alvart and co-written by Arend Remmers. The plot starts with David Hasselhoff’s arrival in Germany, where he thinks he’s about to star in a reputable East Berlin theatre, only to learn the venue is actually a small stage East of Berlin, in the town of Görlitz. Upon his arrival, Hasselhoff ends up in the middle of a conspiracy led by cold-war era assassins, and the fabric of reality seems to break down around him.
The filming in the Croatian coastal city lasted for only two days, cutting the Pula city centre off during 17 and 18 October 2021. The rest of the series is filmed in Germany and Poland, where the TV crew was working during August and September 2021.
Ze Network is expected to premiere on RTL’s SVOD platform TVNow in 2022. As part of the first-look deal with Syrreal Entertainment, CBS Studios holds remake and other derivative rights for the series, and ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group will handle the distribution outside of German speaking countries.