The new series, consisting of eight one-hour episodes being shot in the Czech Republic, tells the story of a mining village on the verge of extinction. Sitting on huge reserves of coal, foreign mining interests plan to acquire the village, remove its population and their homes and establish a soul-less mining complex. The villagers are divided; some see this as an opportunity for a new life elsewhere, others want to preserve their homes and traditional life.
Internationally acclaimed Czech commercials director Ivan Zacharias will direct four episodes and film director Alice Nellis will direct four.
The series is produced by Nutprodukce and Etamp, who produced Burning Bush for HBO Europe.
Principal photography commenced in early November for broadcast in the fall of 2016.
Production Contact:
HBO Europe s.r.o.
Jankovcova 1037/49
170 00 Praha
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420-261-094-444
Fax: +420-261-094-455
Bubenská 1
170 00, Praha 7
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Etamp Film Production
Struhařovská 9
Prague 4
141 00
phone: 420 272 772 258
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.