The family drama directed by Hano Olderdissen is produced by the Berlin-based Henning Ferber Filmproduktions. The producers chose Šumava because it reminded them of the German Bavaria, where a part of the film takes place.
“After 26 shooting days in Germany, the filmmakers moved to the Czech locations at Šumava, where they will stay till 28 July 2019. The locations include the city of Prachatice and the last location in the Czech Republic will be Harrachov,” representatives of Mia film told FNE. Many local children were cast for the school scenes of the film.
Jane Ainscough wrote the script and the cast includes Nico Marischka, Bella Bading and Anna Maria Mühe.
The theatrical release in Germany by Warner Bros. Entertainment is planned for February 2020.
Production Information:
Location Services: Mia film (Czech Republic)
Director: Hano Olderdissen
Scriptwriter: Jane Ainscough
DoP: Martin SchlechtCast: Nico Marischka, Bella Bading, Anna Maria Mühe