The big budget streaming television series created by David S Goyer and Josh Friedman is just over half way through its two and a half to three month shoot in the Czech Republic. The ensemble cast is led by Jared Harris, Lee Pace, Lou Llobell and Leah Harvey. The Prague and Los Angeles based Milk and Honey Pictures are providing film production services.
Prague and other locations around the Czech Republic are providing the backdrop for the popular series, which started shooting there in mid-April and is scheduled to finish there end of June. One of the locations where the 300-member film crew have recently shot was the Faculty of Chemical Technology at the University of Pardubice. For several days the faculty transformed into one of Asimov’s planets in order to help the genius mathematician Hari Seldon solve difficult galactic problems.
A number of large scale sci-fi and fantasy series have shot in Prague, including The Wheel of Time, which shot its second season in there, and Carnival Row, which shot its second season in Prague last year. The productions have been attracted not only by Czech locations but also by the 20% rebate on qualifying Czech spend.