FNE 2010 Year in Review: Czechs Turn a Corner

With the approval of the highly anticipated film tax incentives, the return of foreign film production, continuing record box office attendance, and a wealth of film productions in the pipeline,…

PRODUCTION: Jiří Vejdělek Starts Men in Hope in January

Czech director Jiří Vejdělek, whose latest comedy Women in Temptation (produced by Falcon, www.falcon.cz) was the most successful Czech domestic movie of 2010 with over 1.2 million viewers, is completing…

Hřebejk Film Released in USA

Jan Hřebejk´s Oscar hopeful Kawasaki´s Rose produced by Rudolf Biermann of Infilm (www.infilm.cz) has been released in the US by North American company Menemsha Films (http://www.menemshafilms.com). Hřebejk attended the presentation…

Czech Film Critics Awards Established

Czech film journalists, critics, reviewers and film publicists have established their own national film awards. The awards are ofganized by the Czech Film Chamber (www.filmovakomora.cz).

Karlovy Vary Festival Names Och New Director

The Karlovy Vary IFF (www.kviff.com) appointed Karel Och as the new Artistic Director, replacing 15 year festival veteran Eva Zaoralova. Och's appointment takes effect 1 January 2011. Zaoralova will stay…

Barrandov to Sell Historic Studio

PRAGUE: Barrandov film studio is in negotions to sell a historic recording studio in central Prague to Cultural Landmark Management Ltd.

PRODUCTION: Hungarian Zero in Preproduction

Prague-based Hungarian director Gyula Nemes is in preproduction with Zero, a mock-documentary stle "grotesque-anarchist drama" about the extinction of bees. The 1.8 million euro film is preparing for a mid-late…

FNE 2010 Visegrad Special: Coproductions in Czech Republic

The most important development in the Czech Republic was the approval of film tax incentives in 2010. The European Union approved the Czech film tax incentives in June, as announced…

FNE 2010 Visegrad Special: Czech Republic

On average around 20 Czech full length feature films are released in Czech cinemas every year, most of them supported by grants from the Czech Ministry of Culture´s State fund…

FNE at Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival: Industry Guests set a Record at Jihlava

JIHLAVA: Over 400 industry guests filled the Czech town of Jihlava for the 14th edition of the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (26-31 October 2010) and the 10th anniversary of…

FNE at Jihlava: East Silver Market Awards Announced

Poland made a strong showing at the East Silver (www.eastsilver.net) market awards, presented at the opening ceremony of the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festrival (www.dokument-festival.cz) on 26 October 2010, with…

FNE at Jihlava: East European Forum marks 10th Anniversary

The documentary industry kicked into high gear on Monday, 25 October, with the first day of pitching sessions at the East European Forum, which celebrates its 10th anniversary along with…

Czech Film Center Hosts Locations Tour

PRAGUE: The Czech Film Center (www.filmcenter.cz) held its first locations tour in Prague on 8 October 2010, hosting German and Czech producers for a visit to some of the city's…

Czech Elsa nominations announced

PRAGUE: The nominations Czech Elsa awards for best TV shows were announced 18 October 2010.

NonStop Picks up Czech Little Knights' Tale

PRAGUE: Sweden's world sales company NonStop (www.nonstopsales.net) has picked up the Czech family film Little Knights' Tale from hit teen film director Karel Janak and production company Three Brothers (www.historicalmovie.com).

Czech filmmakers pull films from festival

A group of Czech documentary filmmakers have withdrawn their films from Ekofilm festival, taking place in south Bohemia.

Borgia begins filming in Czech Republic

Beta Films announced the start of shooting of the 12-part mini-series Borgia in Prague on 4 October 2010. With a budget of 25 million Euros, the production will be the…

Czechs submit Kawasaki's Rose for Oscar bid

The Czech Film and Television Academy (www.cfta.cz) has chosen Kawasaki's Rose directed by Jan Hřebejk as its entry for the Oscar best foreign language film category. The film beat out…

PRODUCTION: Lidice wraps shooting

Shooting of one of the most anticipated Czech movie of 2011, the big budget historical 1940´s war movie Lidice by director Petr Nikolaev and producer Adam Dvořák of production and…

Mission Impossible 4 begins filming October 4 in Prague

PRAGUE: The Tom Cruise Hollywood action coproduction Mission Impossible 4 by director J.J. Abrams and production studio Paramount (www.paramount.com ) begins shooting in Prague on 4 October, Ludmila Claussová of…