Sipsik, a long animated film about the legendary Estonian children's book character, directed by Meelis Arulepp and Karsten Kiilerich and produced by A Film Estonia, received the largest production grant of 80,000 EUR.
It was followed with 73,000 EUR by A Good Child Who Never Made Mischief / Hea laps, kes ei teinud pahandusi directed by the prolific Estonian filmmaker Rao Heidmets and produced by Estonia's largest and oldest puppet animation studio Nukufilm,.
EFI also allotted development grants to Old Man's Film: Mad Cow / Vanamehe Film: Hull Lehm, a film following a string of short films featuring the same character, and to The Mystics / Müstikud by Roland Seer, the art director and key animator of European Film Awards nominee Amalimbo.
Click HERE for the grants chart.