Danger Island is directed by Almondi Esco and Marita Liivak. The story follows a teenage climate activist and her consumerist father, who must put aside their differences to face a global climate crisis initiated by the mad scientist Dr. Kaos.
“It is a timeless father-daughter story unfolding in a very timely global crisis,” said Esco, hinting that it was no coincidence that climate crisis got a prominent spot in the storyline. “When we started the development of Danger Island, we had no idea what the creative side would look like, but we were 100% certain what impact we wanted it to have,” said Esco, revealing that the wish to direct attention to global climate challenges ahead was the very first thing cleared in the development pipeline.
With AMC’s Dietland star Joy Nash on board, the filmmakers plan to be ready in time to screen during the Cannes Film Festival 2021 in cooperation with Kaleidoscope Film Distribution. That is a goal Esco and the IMEPILT team expect to meet despite the many COVID-19 challenges.
“Due to the relatively easy transition to a fully remote pipeline, animation productions are definitely the lucky ones throughout the industry,” Esco said, but added that he saw no reason to get too comfortable, “When facing an unprecedented crisis one also needs to prepare for unprecedented challenges.”
IMEPILT Studios is based in Tallinn and was established in 2017. Danger Island, which is set for release in 2021, is the studio’s first animated feature.
Danger Island is currently produced with private funding.
Production Information:
Imepilt Studios
Almondi Esco
Directors: Almondi Esco and Marita Liivak
Scriptwriters: John Bellina, Elizabeth Martin, Lauren Hynek