Eight Hungarian short animated films will vie in the national competition, along with another 41 short films selected for the international competitions of live action and animated films. The festival also held its first pitching forum for Hungarian projects during its pre-festival industry day.
The films in the Hungarian Animated Competition are:
A Polgár lányok
Directed by B. Nagy Ervin
Az utolsó Yeti
Directed by Mészáros Borbála
Cigánymesék: Csúnya Borka
Directed by Horváth Mária
Kipp-kopp a hóban
Directed by Fabók Szilvia, Tama Mikori
Marci kertje
Directed by Benkovits Bálint
Directed by Orosz Judit
Szuper Malac és Űrpatkány: Laci bácsi galaxis
Directed by Máli Csaba
Városi legendák: Az emberi test
Directed by Glaser Katalin