The event is now being held from 5-8 May 2011 in a scaled down version and will screen the new Hungarian productions from the past year. The festival's traditional organizers the MMK are once again organizing this year's event but it will be the last bow as the MMK is being closed down by the government on 31 May 2011.
HFW 2011: Feature Film Competition
East Side Stories
Directed by Mark Bodzsar, Csaba Bollok, Szabolcs Hajdu, Ferenc Torok
The Agents are Going to Paradise (Az ügynökök a paradicsomba mennek)
Directed by Zoltan Dezsy
Run to Ground (Utolér)
Directed by Zsombor Dyga
The Maiden Danced To Death (A halálba táncoltatott lány)
Directed by Endre Hules
Pal Adrienn
Directed by Agnes Kocsis
Children of the Green Dragon (A zöld sárkány gyermekei)
Directed by Bence Miklauzic
Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project
Directed by Kornel Mundruczo
The Lover of the Soul (A föld szeretője)
Directed by Zsolt Pozsgai
Glass Tiger 3 (Üvegtigris 3)
Directed by Peter Rudolf
Diamond Club
Directed by Marton Vécsei
Summer Street, End of the Line (Nyár utca, nem megy tovább )
Directed by Janos Vecsernyes