Latvian Film Marathon Viewed in 63 Countries

RIGA: The 16th annual Latvian Film Marathon organised by the National Film Centre of Latvia on 4 May 2020 drew 8,600 viewers in 63 countries. The event, which celebrates the…

Latvian Distributors Respond to Pandemic With Alternative Business Models

RIGA: Distribution companies in Latvia are seeking alternative ways to get films to audiences during the current closure of cinemas, including new and enhanced online platforms.

Riga Municipality Allocates Money for Riga Film Fund

RIGA: The Riga Municipality has allocated 800,000 EUR for the Riga Film Fund in its 2020 budget. The funds will be available for foreign and national coproductions shot in Latvia.

National Film Centre of Latvia Expands Accessibility of Films Online

RIGA: The National Film Centre of Latvia has made its database of national films available to schoolchildren and the general public during the COVID-19 crisis.

PRODUCTION: Latvian Filmmaker Ivars Zviedris Documents a Country in Lockdown

RIGA: The Latvian documentary filmmaker Ivars Zviedris has started documenting the evolving situation and people affected by the virus, in response to the restrictions introduced in Latvia due to COVID-19.

Warhunt Starring Mickey Rourke Halts Production in Latvia

RIGA: The shooting on the mystical WWII thriller Warhunt directed by Mauro Borrelli, produced by Igor Pronin for Latvia’s Forma Pro Films and starring Mickey Rourke halted in Latvia due…

GRANTS: Latvia Extends Grant Application Deadlines For Minority Coproductions

RIGA: The deadline for minority coproduction grants applications has been extended from 27 March to 26 April 2010, with the results to be announced by 26 May 2020. The decision…

PRODUCTION: Latvia’s Tasse Film To Coproduce Russian Spy Series Pawns

RIGA: Russian spy series Pawns (Metrafilms), which was presented at the Berlinale’s CoPro Series, will be coproduced by Latvia’s Tasse Film. The series conceived by Michael and Lily Idov is…

FNE at Berlinale 2020: Latvian Film in Berlin

MEET LATVIAN FILM PROFESSIONALS - Latvian film industry will be represented at the Europen Film Market 2020 in Berlin with two stands - LATVIA Stand G10 and Rija Films together…

Eyewell Picks Up Latvian BO Leader Blizzard of Souls

RIGA: Latvian coming-of-age war drama Blizzard of Souls / Dvēseļu putenis directed by Dzintars Dreibergs for Kultfilma and supported by the National Film Centre of Latvia, has been picked up…

FNE Market Analysis 2019: LATVIA

RIGA: The Latvian film Blizzard of Souls directed by Dzintars Dreibergs broke box-office records existing since the early 1990s, showing the continuing demand for local films, that was significantly boosted…

BOX OFFICE: Latvian/Czech/Lithuanian City On The River Tops Latvian BO

RIGA: The historical drama City on the River / Pilsēta pie upes, the fourth feature film directed by Viesturs Kairišs, has dominated the Latvian box office for two consecutive weekends…

Blizzard of Souls Breaks Latvian Box Office Record

RIGA: Dzintars Dreibergs's debut feature Blizzard of Souls has reached 207,892 admissions in Latvia in five weeks since its opening, a record number since the country regained independence in early…

Latvian Oscar Candidate The Mover Screens in USA

RIGA: Dāvis Sīmanis’s sophomore feature The Mover / Tēvs nakts will have two screenings in the USA for the American Motion Picture Arts and Sciences members in December 2019. The…

FNE at 2019 Latvian National Film Festival: Oleg Wins Three Top Awards

RIGA: Oleg by Juris Kursietis was awarded the Lielais Kristaps best feature length fiction film prize at the 12 November 2019 closing ceremony of the Latvian National Film Festival, held…

FESTIVALS: Latvian/Lithuanian/Norwegian Spoon Screens in Doc Competition at Latvian FF

RIGA: The lauded Latvian director Laila Pakalnina will have her Latvian/Lithuanian/Norwegian documentary Spoon in the documentary competition of the 2019 Latvian National Film Festival, which runs from 7 to 12…

FESTIVALS: Leilais Kristaps Latvian National Film Festival Showcases 25 Films

RIGA: The Latvian National Film Festival, which runs from 7 – 12 November 2019 in Riga, will showcase 25 films in competition and out of competition screenings. Out of 95…

FESTIVALS: Oleg Competes in 2019 Latvian National Film Festival

RIGA: The Latvian/Belgian/Lithuanian/French coproduction Oleg by Juris Kursietis will screen in competition at the Leilais Kristaps national film festival of Latvia, which runs 7 – 12 November 2019.

FNE at Riga IFF 2019: Nova Lituania Takes Top Prize

RIGA: The sixth annual Riga International Film Festival, which concluded on 27 October 2019, gave its award for best film to Nova Lituania by Karolis Kaupinis. The big winner this…

Baltics Compete for International Film Production

RIGA: Baltic film companies stressed a need for experienced crews and film stages at the Magnetic Latvia film conference held during the Riga IFF, which runs through 27 October 2019.