The film, based on the novel of the same name written by Renata Šerelytė, begins with a small town investigator’s memories of her tragic love for her music teacher. After the town is shaken by a teenage girl’s murder, where the main suspect is her ex-lover, the investigator takes on the case.
Marcinkevičiūtė directed the documentaries: By the Ray and by the Fire (Prie rugių ir prie ugnies, 2010), Dance in the Desert (Šokis dykumoje, 2009), We have Talked about Time (Laiku suspėjome pasikalbėti, 2006), and Almost Happy (Beveik laimingas, 2004).
The full length film is produced by the Fralita Films, with producer Živilė Gallego.
The film received a grant of 160,000 Litas from the Lithuanian Culture Support Fund.
Film premiere is set for October 2013.
Production Contact:
Fralita Films
Siltadarzio g. 6,
LT-01124 Vilnius,
Tel +37064330022
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