
Promised Land Voted Best Polish Film

    Promised Land by Andrzej Wajda Promised Land by Andrzej Wajda

    WARSAW: Andrzej Wajda’s Promised Land (1975) has been voted best Polish film of all times by Polish film professionals in a poll organized on the occasion of 120 years of cinema.

    Promised Land (Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych Łódź) is followed by The Saragossa Manuscript by Wojciech Jerzy Has (1964, WFF Łódź), Ashes and Diamonds by Andrzej Wajda (1958, WFF Łódź), Knife in the Water by Roman Polanski (1962, WFF Łódź), The Hourglass Sanatorium by Wojciech Jerzy Has (1973, WFF Łódź), Night Train by Jerzy Kawalerowicz (1959, WFF Łódź), Blind Chance by Krzysztof Kieslowski (1981, WFF Łódź), Day of the Wacko by Marek Koterski (2002, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych Warszawa), Mother Joan of the Angels by Jerzy Kawalerowicz (1961, WFF Łódź) and Ida by Pawel Pawlikowski (2013, Opus Film, Phoenix Film, Portobello Pictures).

    The 279 leading Polish directors, scriptwriters, cinematographers, designers, producers and composers also voted 8 ½ by Federico Fellini (1963) as best foreign film of all times.

    The poll was conducted by the Museum of Cinematography in Łódź and the Faculty of Film History and Theory from the University of Łódź.