Financed by Grażyna Błęcka-Kolska and Jan Jakub Kolski, the Zuzanna Jagoda Kolska Prize was awarded to the youngest filmmaker at New Horizons - Polish Natalia Koniarz, the director of The Dam.
From 25 July to 4 August 2019, 223 long films from 54 countries were screened, of which 142 had their Polish premiere during the festival.
New Horizons International Competition
Main Prize:
Bait (UK)
Directed by Mark Jenkin
Audience Award:
Bait (UK)
Directed by Mark Jenkin
Zuzanna Jagoda Kolska Prize:
The Dam (Poland)
Directed by Natalia Koniarz
Produced by the Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television
For the winners of the New Horizons Studio+ Awards click HERE.