The EAVE ( scholarships are open to applicants from Romania, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Cyprus, and Malta. The selection of participants will be announced by end of March.
The EAVE Film Finance Forum provides updates of the latest financial developments and funding sources in Europe. It includes sessions on public and private finance, co-production, tax incentives, the sales and distribution market, banking services and new industry trends. Since most films produced in Europe are made with low to medium budgets, the Finance Forum will focus on its participants' real financial situation and provide them with solutions adapted to their needs and projects.
Experts taking part include Academy-Award winner Max Wiedemann (The Lives of Others), Joelle Levie (independent finance expert), Jani Thiltges (Samsa Film) and Katrine Schlüter-Schliermann (Legal Adviser). Participating in the Film Finance Forum are Bernie Stampfer of Deutsche Bank, and Christian Kmiotek, and Stéphane Cordier of Cofiloisirs.
The application form and more information are available on