The film follows Ion Barbu, a 61 y/o ex-miner turned artist and activist, who fights for saving the buildings of a coal mine and dedicating them to culture and history as the coal mine is closing and the old buildings are destroyed.
Anamaria Antoci, who previously produced Adrian Sitaru’s award winning feature film Illegitimate / Ilegitim (Domestic Film, Film Produkcja, Damned Films) is producing through FILMLAB. HBO Romania is coproducing. HBO Romania is supporting so far with development funding.
Planeta Petrila is developed at Ex Oriente Film and will participate in the third session of the workshop in Prague within East Doc Platform from 7 to 13 March 2016. Romanian Cultural Institute covers the workshop’s expenses.
Shooting started in May 2013 and will wrap in June 2016. Postproduction will be conducted at Hola Media in Cluj-Napoca. The film is set to be finished at the end of October.
Production Information:
40 Argentina Street, sector 1,
011754 Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40740155602
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Director: Andrei Dăscălescu
Scriptwriter: Andrei Dăscălescu
Dop: Andrei Dăscălescu